Wolf Lodge California

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admin's blog

The Dark Side Of Kale


The headline in The New York Times made my heart sink: “Kale? Juicing? Trouble Ahead.”

Confession: I’m one of those Vitamix-loving, green-smoothie worshipping, kale bandwagoners. I brim with holier-than-thou pride when my kids eat raw kale (no dressing, even!) and thick kale-laden shakes while other children snack on sugary GoGURT squeezes and suck on juice boxes.

I am not alone. Presidents and stars are kale-lovers too.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent luctus fermentum tincidunt. Morbi venenatis, ligula ut tincidunt porttitor, mi augue pretium nulla, et interdum massa elit dapibus leo. Duis vitae odio ac ante faucibus faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Living in harmony with nature.

Rammed Earth Walls 2 feet in width

Environment and Sustainability is the corner stone at Wolf Lodge California. It is our very foundation since Wolf Lodge California is built from the ground up with the local earth. Rammed earth, also known as taipa in (Portuguese), tapial in (Spanish), and pisé (de terre) in (French), is a technique for building walls using natural raw materials such as earth, chalk, lime or gravel. P arts of the Great Wall of China were built using the rammed earth technique.


Announcing our brand new Service

Praesent nec aliquet elit. Nullam convallis placerat metus, sit amet ultrices nulla faucibus sit amet. Quisque dictum lorem luctus.

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A word form our Guests

Praesent nec aliquet elit. Nullam convallis placerat metus, sit amet ultrices nulla faucibus sit amet. Quisque dictum lorem luctus.

I enjoyed staying at Wolf Lodge California. It is a natural building and the temperature is always comfortable. The walls are 2 feet think so it has very good sound insulation.

King Snake is a new resident in Wolf Lodge California

Koi Pond at Wolf Lodge California

Wolf Lodge California is located in the beautiful Norther California.

Wolf Lodge California is a home to many wild species. And we love them all. Some of our permeant residents are Tutti Frutti the terrapin who lives in the pond amongst koi fish, gold fish, comet fish and bull frogs. Now a king snake made a home among the rocks of the pond.

We had a juvenile screech owl make a nest above a fireplace.

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  • My stay at the Wolf Lodge was great. The house itself is artistic and very comfortable, peaceful and quiet. It sits on the northern flank of a beautiful forested mountain, and one can take nice walks from the lodge enjoying the great views of nearby Clear Lake. Enjoy!

  • "Staying in a Manzanita grove is magical. It's a beautiful place and the location is great!"